Searching For Salt – The Road from Bad Ischl to Bad Goisern

May 4, 2022

Wednesday was our less strenuous trek from the town of Bad Ischl to Bad Goisern.  We had some plans that we needed to alter due to COVID testing difficulties with our Austrian guide, Helmut, who took our luggage to our next inn. 

Departing Bad Ischl

At 10, we began the 8 mile walk along the Brine Pipeline trail to Bad Goisern.  This trail follows the route that salt, which was extracted from sea water, traveled on its way to Salzburg from Hallstatt.  We will cover more of the Brine Pipeline tomorrow when we hike to Hallstatt.

We decided to hold a competition to see who could find an assortment of landmarks or natural markers along the way.  Some people took this competition very seriously, but that attitude along with their height advantage and marching order worked out for them.  As they were the winner!

Whitey/Heidi the Circus pig befriended our winner

The hike took us on a level path of gravel, road, narrow paths and wide areas through forests.  We stopped in the village of Lauffen, to visit the WC, a beautiful church and snack stop!

Pitstop strudel

The church, St Maria, is a famous pilgrimage church where several miracles have said to have occurred.  The church dates to 1344 and houses an impressive gothic Madonna statue.

We continued on the pipeline route on the sunny and warm afternoon, finally taking us into the town of Bad Goisern.  We are staying at the Moserwirt Inn, which was given a generous 3 star rating!

Bad Goisern may pole
World Wars I & II memorials – Note Germany cross & eagle!

Tomorrow we will complete our final hike to Hallstatt. We have decided to return to Salzburg Friday morning, ensuring we have the necessary COVID tests to return home.